You’ll learn the 5 string bass pentatonic scale shapes in this lesson.
They all use the root note “C”, but feel free to transpose the shapes when you practice.
Also, these shapes are much easier to learn if you already know the 4-string major pentatonic shapes.
Shape 1

Shape 2

Shape 3

Shape 4

Shape 5

5 string bass pentatonic scale fretboard diagram
Feel free to download this fretboard diagram or print it out so you can practice your 5 string bass pentatonic shapes offline!

5 string pentatonic scale practice
Just remember that these shapes are easiest to practice if you already know how to play the pentatonic scale on a standard 4-string bass.
Luckily, the bass strings follow a consistent interval pattern (4ths) which makes it easy to memorize scales, because the shapes/ fingerings will remain the same at every interval position.
For example, play the 1st shape, which starts on your root note C, your “1”. Now find every other “1” on your fretboard diagram and notice that the shape at each position is the same.
Hopefully that helps!
Enjoy your bass playing, and keep rocking!